The Top Facts

Best Unknown Facts in The World

Unbelievable Facts That Are True

One of the best aspects of being a human is learning all kinds of unknown facts and trivia during the course of our lives. Random entertaining facts are excellent icebreakers, date impresses, and pub quiz champions. However, you don’t need to employ these fascinating tiny morsels of knowledge to make them meaningful. Hence, we come up with a list of the best unknown facts in the world that are unbelievably true.

Why There are no eyebrows on Mona Lisa?

Unknown Facts: Why There are no eyebrows on Mona Lisa?

Why Mona Lisa doesn’t have eyebrows is a common mystery. The Mona Lisa, according to some, is an incomplete piece. Some claim that the Renaissance was in full swing at the time of the Mona Lisa. Women shaved their eyebrows as a fashion during the Renaissance, however, this riddle has been answered thanks to an engineer by the name of Pascal Cotte. Da Vinci did depict eyebrows on the Mona Lisa when he painted her, but over time, cleaning caused them to degrade to the point where they are now invisible.
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Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump

Let’s look at some fascinating elephant unknown facts you probably didn’t know about these very intelligent animals! Elephants have a top speed of 25 mph. They are still the only animal species that cannot jump. Even when running, they always maintain one leg on the ground. Elephants in their adult form just cannot jump. They frequently weigh 16,000 pounds or more, making them too hefty to jump. Elephants never lift all four of their feet off the ground at once, not even when charging at full speed. So, I guess technically speaking, elephants power walk rather than run.
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The length of the circulatory system exceeds 60,000 miles.

According to the Franklin Institute, if all the veins, arteries, and capillaries in a child’s body were stretched out flat, they would span more than 60,000 miles. Our bodies house around 100,000 miles of blood vessels by the time we reach maturity. That is only one of the astounding unknown facts that seem fabricated (but aren’t).

Initially, oranges weren’t orange

The first oranges to come from Southeast Asia were green tangerine-pomelo hybrids. Oranges in warmer countries like Vietnam and Thailand continue to be green even after reaching maturity. Speaking of which, have you ever wondered whether the fruit or the color “orange” came first? Neither is the answer. Although one did come before the other, neither was the word’s original meaning. The word that later became known as “orange” was originally used to refer to the tree on which the fruit grows. The word gradually started to refer to the fruit rather than merely the orange tree as it developed.

When tomatoes were first introduced, people in Europe were hesitant to eat them. 

According to experts, Hernán Cortés brought the seeds in 1519 with the intention of using the fruits as garden ornaments. Aristocrats began consuming tomatoes in the 1700s, but they believed the fruits were dangerous since individuals would die after consuming them. They actually passed away from lead poisoning because the acidity of the tomatoes exposed the lead in their pewter plates.
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Everyone’s tongue print is unique, much like their fingerprints. 

Did you know that, like fingerprints, everyone has a unique tongue print? Our tongue prints also have distinct distinguishing features. Our tongue’s tip has a distinctive physiological texture and geometric shape, according to researcher David Zhang, which may be utilized for verification. The top of our has a distinctive geometric shape and physiological texture, according to Researcher David Zhang, which may be utilized for verification. Cool, huh?

E.T walking sound was created not the way you might have thought

Steven Spielberg’s classic, E.T aka The Extra-Terrestrial is an outstanding family movie and one of the all-time best. An unbelievable fact is the different ways sounds were created for that film. If E.T. is one of your favorite movies of all time, you might be interested to learn that someone made the sound effect for E.T. walking around by squishing their hands in jelly.

A snail can take naps of up to 3 years.

Although you are certainly aware of how slowly snails move Some land snails have the ability to hibernate or enter estivation for up to three years. In fact, it is true! Although an extended slumber may seem nice at first, it is the result of unfavorable circumstances. Since snails require moisture to survive, they can hibernate for up to three years if the weather is unfavorable. In order to avoid heated areas, it has been suggested that snails can switch between estivation, commonly known as “summer sleep,” and hibernation, which takes place in the winter depending on geography.
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From 2006 through 2017, the American government archived all public tweets. 

Beginning in 2018, the Library of Congress decided to only archive tweets that pertain to elections or other matters of national importance, such as public policy, on a “very selective basis.” The library took this action in order to acquire and maintain a record of knowledge and creativity for Congress and the American people, the same reason it gathers other resources. The brave move was praised by the scientific community.

It is completely incorrect that women blink almost twice as much as men do! 

This is a total myth. Both sexes blink at about the same rates. According to scientists, a human blink every two to ten seconds on average, which translates to around ten times each minute. Another fascinating observation is that when our eyes are fixed on something, we blink less frequently. For instance, because you are so engaged when reading, you only blink three times every minute.
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Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What are some mind-blowing unknown facts that sound unreal but are actually true?

Read our article about the top ten interesting facts that will blow your mind.

2. What is a disturbing fact most people are unaware of?

There are bodies of over 150 dead hikers on Mount Everest, and they are used as landmarks

3. What are some weird fun facts?

Greenland is Icy and Iceland is Green. Someone messed up the names, right?

4. What’s a disturbing fact that everyone knows, but we all ignore?

Materialistic love can drive someone to pursue it fervently to the point where they give up or lose the race. Prioritize ease before luxury.

5. What is the weirdest, non-disturbing fact that you know?

All loops of Froot Loops have the same flavor. There is no use in avoiding the purple Froot Loops because they all taste like, well, froot. Obviously excluding the Wild Berry Froot Loops.

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Cristina Bugatty is Editor at The Top Facts. She has been a factual writer for the last eight years. She Enjoys writing about anything techy, nerdy, or factually interesting.

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